2008 - Small Expressions, Tampa Museum Florida USA
April 19 - July 6, 2008
Tampa Museum of Art's (interim location)
2306 North Howard Avenue, Tampa, Florida, USA

Tampa Museum of Art's (interim location)
Small Expressions is an annual, international, juried exhibition that features high quality, contemporary fiber art. The artworks showcase various techniques such as interlacing, felting, paper, beading, and embellishing in small scale. The exhibition is sponsored by the Handweavers Guild of America and coinides with the organization's biennial conference in downtown Tampa in late June..
Convergence 2008 Tampa Bay
June 22 - June 28, 2008 Convergence is an outstanding conference for everyone who loves and works in fibre. It is the biennial, international conference sponsored and organized by the Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. (HGA), and hosted by a committee of dedicated fibre enthusiasts. Convergence features special lectures, workshops and seminars, exhibits, tours, special events, and a commercial vendor's hall full of fibres, fibre-related equipment and an artist market. HGA's Convergence 2008.will be held June 22 through June 28, 2008, in Tampa Bay, Florida, and will be hosted by the Florida Tropical Weavers Guild (FTWG).
The Florida Tropical Weavers Guild has a long tradition in the weaving and fibre arts community as well. Founded in 1943, this state guild has provided an educational conference for its members annually, drawing instructors from all over the US and the world.