2008 -NON-PLACE - IX Small Format international Contemporary Art Exhibition

This IX Small Format International Contemporary Art Exhibition will be held in Barcelona at the MX ESPAI 1010 during November - December “NON-PLACE” is the theme the works must address for this next exhibition. Our idea is to guide this international event more and more in the direction of contemporary art . Our objective is to be not only an exhibition of contemporary art, but, an actual art movement. The need to “contextualize” the works is the reason why we feel it is necessary to establish a mold. To work arround an idea forces us to think in a particular sense, a direction, demanding a more intensive reflection into why we do what we do.Non-place is the place of the contemporary nomad.
Non-place is the location at which the sedentary and erratic life of the planetary consumer unfolds.According to Marc Augé: Let us define as objective place the space in which objective marks of identity are inscribed,marks of the existing links and the history (war memorial, church, public square, school,…) and as symbolic place the location of the ways of relating to others that prevail there (residence, exchange, language); objective non-place shall indicate the spaces for circulating, communicating and consuming; subjective non-place shall indicate the prevailing ways of relating to the exterior (passage, sign, code). The most explicit opposition shall arise, therefore, between the agora as a public space, as that space which is public, (the materialized location of public debate), and the highway or the supermarket as the materialized non-placeof singularized and consumerist wandering.
For us, it is a pleasure to give artists from all over the world the oportunity to exhibit their work in Barcelona. From the Ist Small Format International Contemporary Art Exhibition up until the present, our participants have included Ane Henriksen, Goro Nagano, Gyöngy Laky, Hannelle Ollakka, Junko Suzuki, Yvonne Pacanofsky, Hideho Tanaka, Helga Borisch, Juan Pablo Muiño, Julia Tina Herchenroder, Maija Paavola, Aurelia Muñoz, Myung hee Oh, Carmen de los Llanos, Irene Pressner, Yuu Izaki, Cecilia Postiglioni, Katharina Gun Oehlert, Marina Ramoneda and Col.lectiu Puntes have been invited for a solo exhibition, and Ana Moreno, Yusuke Ichihara, Yuu Izaki, Yumi Kasugai, Almira Olmayan, Iwatsubo Mie, Sachiko Morino, Hideho Tanaka, Hiroe Tanaka, Kinuyo Yoshimizu, Joan Masdeu, Masao Yoshimura, Janet Ledsham, Sandra Turley, Lourdes Peñaranda, Marc&Marc and Ivette Heller/Gabriele Ulmer, Susanne Neiss, Mireia Clotet, Carmen de la Calzada, Carme Sesplugues, Goya, Nino Maza, Patricia Bordoni, Chiharu Shinohara, Linda Behar, Cecilia Gutiérrez, Paula Miklosevic, Katarina Radovichan, Ursula Gerber-Senger, Yuki Kobayashi, Letizia Strigelli, Zuzana Hromadová, many of whom have sussequently been invited to show on their own or is group shows and are invited for a group exhibition.
Moreover, twenty of the participants at the last III Small Format International Contemporary Art Exhibition of were selected to show their work in an international exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum in Chile.
MX ESPAI 1010 regularly show works by Nora Ancarola, Benet Rossell, Francesca Llopis, Pere Noguera, Guillem Balmes, Isabel Banal, Begoña Montalbán, Pep Duran, col.lectiu La Xina, Benxamin Álvarez, Pia Remedios, Montse Baqués, Thomas Pupkiewicz, Gemma Guasch+Josep Asunción, Thomas P.Proffe, Jacobo Sucari, Martí Ribas, Carles Pujol, or Marga Ximenez, among the artists residing in Barcelona. We have also enjoyed the special collaborations of Rosalía Maquid, Matilde Marin and As well Rosalía Maguid, Matilde Marin y have had a special collaboration. It is our intention that the NON-PLACE show shall become a springboard for the artists that place their faith in MX ESPAI 1010. Thus, as in all the previous yearly editions of the Small Format International Contemporary Art Exhibition, two of the participant artists will be selected for a solo exhibition and others for a group exhibition.
Mx Espai 1010 . c/Llibreteria 7, principal . 08002 Barcelona . tel. 93.310.65.77 - 669.517.227Amb la col.laboració de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació