VIII International Biennial of Textile Miniatures, Vilnius, Lithuania

VIII International Biennial of Textile Miniatures
July 9 – 28, 2013 Exhibition opening at 5 pm, July 9, Tuesday, 2013 International textile miniature biennial "Thoughts - that is..." invited 87 artists’ from various 25 countries – from the Baltic countries to the most distant parts of the world (Australia, Japan, Latin America) into the join venue, which continues to tackle the urgent problem of human existence. Who and what are we? What settles our environment? The concept of the exhibition is based on the metaphysical statement, that material and spiritual worlds are interrelated, that thoughts can materialize. The invisible processes which are taking place in our mind create reality - real things, phenomena, emotions. Every object from our reality is the embodiment of the ideas, which have ever existed. Everything that surrounds us is the result of human mind. Human thoughts form not only objects, but also ones activity, creativity and personality. There is a lot of everything in the modern world - not only goodness, but also anger. The biggest discoveries in the world were born from bright thoughts, while anger and hatred gave birth to evil. Human mind is energy, which is able to create wonderful objects. Mind is propagating magnetic frequencies, which attract similar frequencies phenomena in the universe. The artists were invited to shape they thoughts into creation, irrespectively to what method of expression trey would choose - even surface or 3D composition, traditional forms of expression or innovative, interdisciplinary project.
The organizers of biennial encouraged the artists: a) to reflect the depth of their own personality through the materialized ideas in their creation; b) to raise the problems of human mind ecology and responsibility of what you think; c) to reveal the interaction of bright and dark minds and the consequences of their opposition; d) to analyze whether the thoughts have nationality, or whether the minds of different nations or ethnic groups are different. It is being expected, that facing the crises or disasters prioritizing spiritual values will correspond to the expectations of the artists at the time of biennial.
The works exhibited in biennial are different with respect to style and technique combining both traditional and innovative methods, reflecting individualities of the authors’ and dominating textile tendencies.